Saturday, September 13, 2014

13 Weeks

ok, ok... I have to admit this week has been a crazy one and I totally forgot to do my usual baby bump update picture on Thursday, but life got the best of me. I apologize. Right now, I am way too tired to post a pic, but I'll edit this post and post it soon!.... So much is going on and almost feels like too much, but I'm trucking through. Yet, after a few friends read my blog (pertaining to the last post about being MIA) it was nice of them to send a text and just say "Love you, and you know I'm here whenever you're ready"or "Do you need anything?" or "I know you don't want to talk, but I'm here for you"... *sigh* I really appreciated that. People who don't understand, but try too. Ya'll are the best. Yeah, they don't know what's going on exactly, but it was nice to still feel that sense of care instead of an attack.... 
Anyway, moving on. That was my week and TGIF. Oh, newsflash! I also decided to check out a multicultural dancing group called Cultural Envoy that I was invited to be apart of. I enjoyed it so much that I plan on doing it just for this semester. (We shall see...)  Luckily our first show is in October, so looks like I'll be able to perform again before I get bigger and BIGGER. I love the people in that group. Totally chill and soooo respectful and friendly. Felt really nice and refreshing. So, things are looking up in life right now. This week went from plummeting down into the earths core to rising back up above the ground now and I ain't complaining. Sure, I have my good days and some really bad... but I love my good, positive, uplifting days. I wish they'd never end.

How Far Along?: 13 weeks +
Total Weight Gain?: 106ish this week
Maternity Clothes?: Sweatpants are life, but forreal.
Stretch Marks?: None yet HALLELUJAH.
Sleep?: ehhh, if I could get one quiet and comfortable nights sleep, it would be nice. Yet, I better get use to not having that.
Movement?: Sometimes I think I do, but then I see I'm just breathing and I'm only 13 weeks haha
Food Cravings?: I honestly don't like food again for right now. I'm constantly hungry but everything sounds gross to me. Sticking with smoothies.
Queasy/sick?: Yeahhhh, unfortunately.  Though, it should be easing up soon since I'm hitting that trimester TWO dawg!
Gender?: I'll say it: I'm hoping for a baby boy.
Labor signs?: None, besides I have been getting cramps lately. Nothing to do with labor, but yeah.
Symptoms?: I'll quote from last week because it's still pretty dead on... "Pretty much the same old shingdig. Except they are ever so slightly softening up. Yet, my boobs are still tender, bad mood, nausea, fatigued, and the sadness. which needs to stop."
Happy/Moody?:  I'm pretty content right now.
Relationship Status?: Happily single
Miss anything?: I really miss being able to eat till my stomach couldn't hold any more.
Best Moment of the Week?: Today. Not feeling good to go to school, pushed through anyway and had a great day and met new good friends. 
Looking forward too?: Finding out the GENDAAAA. What's your guess?

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